Cadet Martial Arts & Fitness Summer Sports Camp is a Safe & Fun place for your kids. Our Camp focuses on providing children ages K-8 Grades with an achievement-oriented physical and mental activity program during the summer months. What's more, they will have a BLAST! Cadet Martial Arts & Fitness Summer Sports Camp is the PLACE TO BE! Come and learn the New Olympic Sport (Taekwondo) and exciting extreme martial arts techniques (Hyper Martial arts) self-defense & Bully Prevention program. Other Activities to look forward to include field trips to parks and museums, library research, outdoor games like swimming and soccer, indoor activities like movies, arts & crafts, games, special seminar/events,
CASMA Kidz Summer Sports Camp will keep children's bodies and minds active! Staff will direct the children through many group and individual games and activities on a daily basis, including: Martial Arts Training - Your child will learn the basics of the Korean martial arts style of Taekwondo. Children will be taught stances, kicks, punches and strikes, sparring techniques, and TKD forms (combinations of moves.) Benefits of the Martial Arts have been proven to include:
Physical Benefits:
Self-Defense, Conditioning, Strength Speed, Agility Balance Rapid Reflexes Flexibility, Reaction Time, Endurance & Power.
Health Benefits:
Body Composition, Physical Fitness, Cardiovascular, Muscular Strength, Stress Management & Weight Control
Mental Benefits:
Discipline, Self-Respect, Self-Control, Self-Esteem, Goal Setting Concentration, Confidence & Alertness.
Social Benefits:
Leadership, Listening, Teamwork & Respect for Others.

Olympic Taekwondo:
The Olympic Sport of Tae Kwon Do will also be introduced to the students. Taekwondo was introduced as an official Olympic sport for the first time in Sydney at the 2000 summer Olympics.
Taekwondo History:
Students will be introduced to the history of the Korean martial arts style,
TaeKwonDo, or the way of the hand and the foot. In addition, each student will receive physical fitness training, appropriate for each age and ability.

Indoor Games -
Look for Board Games, fun indoor physical games like Twister, Charades, arts and crafts projects, electronic games, educational toys, and other indoor group activities.
Field Trips -
Twice each week, the children will participate in special outings that will include: Bowling, trips to the Baltimore Zoo, the Water park at Six Flags, Special trips to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. and much more!!!

Outdoor Games -
Outdoor Games - Favorite outdoor games such as soccer, capture the flag, basketball, Dodge ball, and swimming.
Movies - Martial arts has made quite an impact on the film industry over the years. After running around, enjoy some quiet time watching selections from our extensive collection of the best martial arts flicks from over the years. Bruce Lee, look out! Children's videos (G & Pg for 10-under and PG-13 for 11-up)

Library Research -
We believe that books can set you free and can bring the world, both real and imagined, into your own backyard. Each week, we will schedule at least one trip to the Enoch Pratt Free Library for our kids to browse, research and read at their leisure.

Thoughtful Activity -
Thoughtful Activity - More than fun and games, a student of martial arts challenges the mind, as well as the body. Reading time & personal journal. "Discovery" science classes.
Before & After Camp Care
Before Camp Drop Off
For those who find it necessary to drop their children off before the 8:30 AM starting time, we offer an early morning care, Monday through Friday, from 6:30 AM until 8:00 AM.
After Camp Care
For those who find it necessary to have their children stay past the 5:00 PM ending time, we offer an after care, Monday through Friday, from 5:30 PM until 7:00 PM.