This program includes training not only in the art of Taekwondo but also in self-defence and fitness. Adults classes assist with improving muscular strength and tone, flexibility, cardiovascular work outs and not to mention relieving stress. Cadet Martial Arts& Fitness prides itself in having the best quality instructors and students, but most importantly still maintaining that friendly environment in which the goals of each individual member are met.
Adults classes are available for beginners all the way up to black belts. At Cadet Martial Arts & Fitness we believe it is never too late to start! Our goal is to help every one of our students achieve their goals. Since adults have very different goals for themselves than they do for their children, we have worked hard to tailor an Adult Program that is consistent with the values and techniques taught to younger students, while remaining effective in addressing the needs of our adult clients.
The CMAF Adult Program Focuses in five primary areas of focus:
1 Covenience 2 Fitness 3 Weitgh Manangement
4 Self-Defence 5 Well-Being/Confidence

At PRO Martial Arts, we are committed to helping you commit to a fitness regimen that is both efficient and effective. Our curriculum provides for an unlimited array of fun, effective, and energizing total body fitness workouts with a variety of class times to suit your needs and fit into your busy schedule.
In addition to planning and teaching fun and energizing classes, we'll make sure you don’t “fall out of the habit,” as so many people do when it comes to fitness. If you miss classes, you should expect a friendly call from your instructor letting you know you were missed and reminding you to stay on track in pursuit of your goals.
CMAF adult skills-based training programs are designed to provide adults with a comprehensive fitness solution. Unlike most gym workouts, which focus on either cardiovascular OR strength training, the martial arts workouts at Cadet Martial Arts& Fitness are designed to condition your whole body, and they do it in the same amount of time most people commit to working on just one of these areas at the gym.
Along with improved cardiovascular and muscular fitness, CMAF students reap another crucial benefit: advanced flexibility training. Stretching and flexibility, a frequently overlooked component of fitness, are not only critical to overall fitness, but are also a key to avoiding injury.
Weight Manandement
Another popular benefit of Cadet Martial Arts & Fitness's fun, challenging and energizing workouts is their effectiveness in helping students maintain a healthy weight. Students at CMAF experience positive changes in their body from the very start of their training. The pace of classes helps elevate the heart rate, allowing students to increase cardiovascular health while burning calories at a rapid rate. In addition, the increase in lean muscle mass that results from the total body nature of Cadet Martial
Arts & Fitness's workouts means that students experience an increase in their metabolic rate, which is a fancy way of saying their bodies burn more calories 24 hours a day, 7 days per week year round!

Confidence and Well-Being
Confidence is a benefit that many adults want for their children, but rarely expect to receive from their own Cadet Martial Arts Fitness training. And yet, as adult students increase in skill and understanding, they frequently admit to a growing sense of confidence and peace. This welcome and unexpected benefit results from a deepening appreciation for what we call the Black Belt Lifestyle…a lifestyle of quiet confidence, poise, and fulfillment. Students who live a Black Belt Lifestyle report reduced stress and greater success and happiness, both at work and at home. This grounded feeling is not a result of some mystical Far Eastern magic, but rather it is the natural result of facing and overcoming obstacles and challenges on a regular basis..

They are powerful, direct and effective. However, we feel that the most effective self-defense techniques taught at Cadet Martial Arts are awareness and good judgment. Yes Cadet Martial Arts students, while capable of dealing with an assault, are less likely to NEED to deal with one because of their training.
One of the most obvious benefits of martial arts training at Cadet Martial Arts is the development of self-defense skills and the piece of mind that goes along with those skills. The Cadet Martial Arts curriculum is comprised of time-tested and proven techniques that were developed in the real world.