Energizing, Explosive, Powerful, Uplifting… That’s how students from all walks of life, from Hollywood stars to housewives, policemen, athletes, professional and thousands of other people, just like you, describe Fitness Kickboxing for Fun and Fitness.

In this class Master Cadet blends your own hidden personal powers with the tried and true techniques of personal self-defense, dance and kickboxing all set to today’s hottest music. Cardio Kick-Butt is totally different from any other workout you’ve ever experienced. You’ll be amazed at the results from the very first class.
This class is a Martial Arts Fitness program designed for people who just want to get in shape and for those looking for the ultimate physical workout. Students also appreciate that CMAF is committed to providing the latest in health & Fitness technological innovations as well as unparalleled services. Best of all, Fitness Kick-Boxing is a lot of fun!
The Fitness Kick-Boxing total body workout is guaranteed to get you the results you’ve always wanted. The high energy music and enthusiastic instructor will keep you going while you burn more than 800 calories an 45 minutes class.

It’s Easy To Learn: Cardio Kick-Butt is safe and easy to learn. There are no complicated choreography moves to make you feel out of step. It’s a workout you’ll look forward to each day. Cardio Kick-Butt is the leading edge, body-shaping Fitness system available.
Fat Loss: Muscle And Fitness magazine rates cardio kickboxing as the number one fat burner with over 800 calories burned in one hour class! 800 calories! Nothing else comes close.
Toning: Did you ever notice how boxers and kick–boxers have very good bodies? They look like they spend hours lifting weights, when the truth is they don’t lift any weights at all. That’s the same look they get from Cardio Kick–Butt. You’ll get tight buns, toned legs, a flat stomach and a strong upper body.
Stress Relief: This is a major beneSculpt. Our clients tell us this is one of the top reasons they can’t get enough of Cardio Kick-Butt. Because of the mental strength the martial arts develops, students get so absorbed in the Cardio Kick-Butt class, their problems seem a million miles away. The best part is you’ll think clearer, sharper, and with more confidence than ever before.
Flexibility: A major beneSculpt of increased flexibility is better blood circulation and a more relaxed overall lifestyle. The Cardio Kick-Butt workout will naturally improve your flexibility through its moves and techniques.
Self Confidence: We all know that when you look good, you feel good. Imagine adding, “And I know I can take care of myself,” to the equation. Cardio Kick-Butt moves are used for giving you a great workout, however, they are also practical self-defense moves. Let’s face it, there is no better feeling than knowing you are in shape and can defend yourself if you ever have to.

Variety: Are you tired of watching the same old boring video workout, or doing the same boring routine at the gym? This program is a triple fat burning workout that will not get repetitive or boring. To make sure our students never get bored with Cardio Kick-Butt, we make sure our classes are never the same old routine. Our instructors use new routines and ideas each class. With the wide variety of punches, kicks, knees, elbows, calisthenics, and stretching exercises, you’ll never get bored doing the same routines over and over. Our classes utilize all the latest equipment to keep class exciting and help you develop your skills faster. We also offer different versions of Fitness Kick-Boxing program.
CMAF Fitness Kck-Boxing Class Schedule & Fees!