The Most Comprehensive,Age-specific Martial Arts Training Programs Designed Specifically for Children Ages 7 to 12!
Children between the ages of 7-12 that participate in positive activities, primarily related towards selfdevelopment and self-improvement, tend to enter their teenage years with a more confident and enthusiastic outlook. Building skills physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially are important during these years, as they are the key areas where influence (good and bad) have the biggest impact. The problem is finding the right activity with the right environment to nourish these skills in an effective and productive manner. The solution is to get them involved in an activity such as martial arts, where positive development is enforced and encouraged each day.

Martial Arts that is Taught with Your
Child’s Best Interest in Mind
Have you ever felt that a sport was having more of a negative influence vs. positive influence on your child? Did you know that the internationally acclaimed Cadet Taekwondo Kidz programs have been endorsed by some of the leading child psychologists as one of the best activities a child can participate in today? It’s true and we’d like to offer you and exclusive opportunity to see for yourself why tens of thousands of children world wide have dramatically increase their positive attitude and behavior through these comprehensive age-specific martial arts programs.
The Taekwondo Kidz Prep Course Ages 7-9
This program was designed to target the skills that children this age are primarily developing. These skills include: concentration, courage, perseverance, intensity, speed, agility, technique, and flexibility. In the Cadet
Taekwondo Kidz Prep Course, we target these skills and maximize the development results through ageappropriate drills and teaching methods. This program is a must for 7 to 9-year olds!
Taekwondo Kidz Pre-Teens Program Ages 10-12
This dynamic program focuses on teaching children martial arts in a way that emphasizes a healthy body and mind. Children learn traditional martial arts, along with additional dynamic components including sparring, board breaking, dynamic kicking, physical development, and mental development- all areas that are fun to learn and at the same time dramatically enhance the abilities of each student physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Whether your child is very shy, or extremely outgoing, this age-specific program blends a healthy balance of lessons and training that will make a dramatic difference as they enter their teenage years.
You Won’t Find More Comprehensive Programs that Generate Proven Results!
At Cadet Martial Arts & Fitness, we believe that the proof is definitely in the training. In fact, we are so confident that our agespecific programs will generate results in your child’s behavior and abilities, that we offer an exclusive 90-day guarantee on allof our programs. We want you to see for yourself how the Cadet Taekwondo Kidz programs have helped tens of thousands of children gain and edge on life.